Understanding The Mysteries Of Human Behavior

Characteristics of behavior there is open and there is being closed. Open behavior is a behavior that can be known by others without the use of tools. The behavior is behavior that covered only understandable by using certain methods or tools, such asthinking, sad, dreamingand fear.

Behavior or human performance do not occur sporadically (arise and disappear at certain moments), but there is always continuity continuity between one deed by deed. Human behavior never ceases at some point. The Act was the preparation of actsand deeds then that then is a continuation of previous deeds.

Each behavior always leads to a specific task. This is evident in the works of study or work, and also on other behavior that seems to have no purpose, for example in animals. Effort and struggle on human behavior is different, because the fighting is something that is selected and at their own. Humans are not going to fight for something that from the beginning it was not fighting. Human beings have aspirations thatchampioned, while animals only fight to acquire something that has already been given by nature. (Anthony, 1998:10-12

Factors influencing human behavior

The descendants of
A descendant refers to the bringing of which is a gift from God Almighty. The lineage is often referred to with the bringing or heredity. The influence of heredity to behavior development growth in the time required. In the descent, there are several principles, namely:

  1. The principle of reproduction, namely the prowess of the father or mother can not be passed down to his son because the skills are the result of learning each individual user.
  2. Principles of variation, i.e. a decrease in the nature of a parent on his descendantsthere are variations of good quality as well as quantity.
  3. Principles of filial regression, i.e. existence of the shrinking old juxtaposed properties that are passed down to his son.
  4. The principle types of crosses, that is what is passed down to the son had crossedthe target. The mother will lose more of its nature on the boy and the father will lose more of its nature in girls.
  5. The principle of komfromitas, i.e.each individual will resemble the traits that are passed down by his race.


The environment is often called miliu, environment or also called nurture. The environment in the sense of psychology is everything what the effect on the individual inbehave. Hardness, environmental influence on the development of the vast and human life. The environment can be classified:

Human environment
That is included in this environment is the family, school and society, including culture, religionlevel of life, and so on.
Environment objects, i.e. objects found around human that also give color to the human soul that was in the vicinity.
Geographical environment. Geographical backgrounds participated and influenced the pattern of human life. People living in coastal areas have the expertise, the craze, and different cultures with people living in arid areas.

The influence of environment on individuals include two objectives, namely: the environment makes the individual as social animals and the environment make the faceof culture for individuals. With the environment can be mutually affect human behavior so that reality will demand a necessity as social beings in a State of getting along with each other.

The individual became the center of the neighborhood, so in dealing with the environment allows the incidence of environmental role for individuals as follows:
Environment as a tool for the individual: a tool for individual interests, individual survival, and the interest in social intercourse.

The environment as a challenge for the individual.
Environmental effect to change the nature and behaviour of individuals because of the environment it can be a challenge for the opponent or the individual to cope with it. Individuals should seek to subdue the environment so that it can be mastered.

The environment as something to be followed.
Human nature always wants to find out something and try something within the limits of its ability. Variegated environment always provide stimulation to the attraction of individuals to follow suit. Sensitive individuals will change lingkunga so that the individual has always participated in it.

Environmental adaptability for the individual objects.
Environment affects individuals, so he tried to menyesuiakan him with the environment. Efforts to adapt to the environment there are two forms, namely autoplastis and alloplastis. Self adjustment by means of alloplastis means that individuals strive so that the environment in accordance with her. While the autoplastis conformity in which individuals strive to let himself in accordance with the State of the environment is concerned. (Anthony, 1998:13-17).

All kinds of human behavior

There are many kinds of human behavior, that is behavioral reflex, reflex and behaviours conditional behavior that has purpose. There are a number of reflex behavioursperformed by human beings are automatic. Reflex behavior off the field as well as the human capacity occurs without second thought or desire. Sometimes it happensunnoticed altogether.

Conditional reflex behavior is behavior that appears due to a certain stimulus. This reaction is natural and is bringing humans and can be studied or in the can from the experience. Flow behaviorisme argued that humans learn on the basis of a conditional reflex behaviour means making the interpretation of complex behavior on the basis of units of simple problems.

The behavior in which the called behavior is instinct. According to Spencer's behavior is instinctive reflex motion of complex or is a series of stages, each stage is a simple reflex behavior. This opinion, howevercontradicted that reflex behavior withoutfeeling while the behavioral instincts accompanied by feelings. There are three symptoms that accompany behavior aims, namely: introduction, feelings and emotions, impulse, desire or motive. (Anthony, 1998:19-20)

The relationship of attitude and Behavior

Originally simply assumed that a person's attitude determines behavior. (o. Sears, 1994:149)

G. w. Allport (1935) suggests that attitude is a State of mental and nervous of preparedness, which is set through the experience that gives the dynamical influence of directional response against individuals or on all objects and situations that are related to it. (O. Sears, 1994:137)

In connection with the discussion of attitudes and behavior, social scientists often describe at least four subject matter, are:
  1. the attitude and behavior without any causal relationship;
  2. the attitude that caused the behavior;
  3. conduct causing attitude;
  4. there is reciprocity between attitude and behavior, for example the attitude that causes behavior and behavior that lead to attitude.

Various research findings about the relationship between attitudes and behavior is indeed not yet conclusive. Many studies that conclude the existence of a relationship that is very weak, even negative, whereas most other research found a connection that is convincing.

In conjunction with this contradictory research results, Warner danDe Fleur posited three postulates to identify three common view regarding the relationship of attitude and behavior, which are:

Postulate of consistency
Postulates of consistency said that verbal attitude was fairly accurate clues to predict what someone will do when he is faced with an attitude object.

So this assumes existence of postulates a direct relationship between attitude and behavior. Evidence to support the postulates of consistency can be seen on the behavior patterns of individuals who have extreme attitude.

Postulate of independent variation
This postulate says that there is no reason to conclude that the attitude and behaviour of the associated consistently. Attitudes and behaviors are the two dimensions in the individual that stands on its own, separate, and distinct. Knowing attitude does not mean it can predict behavior. This illustrates the postulates that behavior is determined by many factors in addition to attitudes, and other factors that affect the consistency of attitude and behavior. One factor that obviously is in a situation of constraint levels: we often have to act in a way that is not consistent with what we feelor believe.

Postulate of contingent consistency
Postulates consistency depending on the attitude and behaviour of the relations stated very determined by situational factors. Norms, roles, membership groups, cultures, and so is a condition of dependency relationships that can change attitudes andbehaviour. Therefore, the extent to which the prediction of behavior can rely on attitudes, will differ from time to time and from one situation to other situations.

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