Student Learning strategies Facilitator and Explaining

In General, the strategy can be interpreted as an attempt by a person or organization to arrive at the destination. In the great dictionary of the language of Indonesia, strategy is a careful plan regarding activities to achieve objectives (desired). Thus, the strategy can be defined as a composition, approach, or norms to achieve a goal of using energy, time, and the ease of optimally.

Learning strategies is an effort to deliberately create conditions so that the learning objectives can be facilitated his work. Here, the strategy reflects the necessity to facilitate the learning objectives. Miarso holds that the strategy is a comprehensive approach to learning in a system of learning in the form of guidelines and framework for activities to achieve the common goal of learning. Miarso stressed that the strategy reflects the approach to achieve learning objectives. (advertising strategies)

advertising-strategiesSo it is with learning strategies is a comprehensive approach to learning in a system, which consists of general guidelines and framework for activities to achieve the common goal of learning which describes a systematic procedure in helping learners learning efforts, organizing the learning experience, organize and plan materials to achieve a specific learning goal.

StudentFacilitator learning strategy and Explaining is the presentation of the material sets a festive beginning with an explanation publicly, provided an opportunity to explain the student back to his colleagues, and ends with the delivery of all material to the students. The idea of learning strategies this is how teachers can afford presents or demonstrates the material in front of students and then give them a chance to explain to his friends. Model Student Learning Facilitator and Explaining (SFAE) is one of the cooperative learning model type. In the classroom students ' cooperative learning together in small groups consisting of 4-6 students equal but heterogeneous, ability, gender, tribe/race each other, and help each other. The purpose of the establishment of the group is to give the opportunity to all students to be actively involved in the process of thinking and teaching and learning activities (Trianto, 2007:41). (advertising strategies)

Model Student Facilitator and Explaining has advantages i.e. students are invited to be able to explain to other students, students can issue the existing ideas occurred to so that it can better understand the material. Model Student Learning Facilitator and Explaining is the learning model used by educators for the purpose of asking learners to assume the role of presenter's response to his friend in the class. Model Student Learning Facilitator and Explaining is learning where students/learners learn present ideas/opinions on other fellow students. The learning model is effective for training the students talk to convey ideas/ideas or his opinion of his own. This model is a model that easy, to get an overall grade of liveliness and responsibility individually. This model provides an opportunity to all learners to act as a "teacher/explanatory material and a facilitating the learning process" against the other learners. With this model, learners who had been unwilling to get involved will participate in active learning. (advertising strategies)

According to Warock (2008:6) strategy Student Facilitator and Explaining is a strategy where students or participants present their ideas or opinions on other students. So it is possible to occur between students brainstormed with other students. Student Learning strategies Facilitator And Explaining is the learning strategies used by educators for the purpose of asking learners to assume the role of being a resource person to all of his friends in the class to learn. This strategy is a strategy that is easy to obtain the liveliness of the class as a whole and individual responsibility. This strategy allows each learner to act as a "teacher/explanatory material and facilitate a learning process" against the other learners. With this strategy, the learners as long as it does not want to get involved will participate in active learning. (advertising strategies)

Meanwhile, according to Agus Suprijono Student Learning Facilitator, strategy and Explaining is defined as a method that makes the students can create a concept mapor chart to improve creativity of students and the learning achievements of students. So that Student learning strategies Facilitator and Explaining makes students as facilitator for temantemannya and invited to think creatively and produce the best work to indicated to his friends and makes students ' ability in absorbing more scienceincreased. This strategy is a strategy that is easy to get class participation and individual responsibility and this strategy in accordance with the word of God which follows:
So establish an innate God who created man upon nature of it. There is no change in God's creation. (Q.S. Al-Rum: 30).

By looking at Student learning strategies Facilitator and Explaining the above verseand deeply connected because with strategies that make students can be educatedand can educate. The above paragraph also explained that the man brings the potential can be educated and can educate.

Measures of Student Learning Strategies Facilitator and Explaining
Measures of Student Learning Strategies Facilitator and Expalaining is as follows:
The teacher is delivering competencies to be achieved
Teachers demonstrate/presents the material
Student/participants provide the opportunity to explain to the participants to explain to other participants, whether through the chart/map concept as well as the other.
The teacher summed up the idea/opinion of the students
The teacher summed up all the material's served on it

According to Suprijono (2009:128) there are six steps in the implementation of a model Student Learning Facilitator and Explaining, i.e. as follows:

a. Teachers convey competence to be achieved.
The teacher explained the purpose of his studies, present a summary of the contentand associate it with a bigger picture about the syllabus or schemes of work.

b. the teacher demonstrate or present material.
The teacher presents the material learned at that time and the students to pay attention. When you're done explaining the teacher divided the students into groups in heterogeneity. The teacher is explaining and exemplifying to students how to make a concept map/chart. Then the teacher can ask students to note down what they already know or could do, with regards to any aspect related to such material. The teacher can also ask the students exchanged thoughts so that they are more confident. (advertising strategies)

c. give the opportunity to students to explain
to other students for example through chart/map concept. In this stage the teachergives the opportunity to students to explain to other students for example throughchart/map concept. Ask for a volunteer to come forward and explain to the class what he should know. Other students may ask, and the volunteers are entitled to say "pass" if he is not convinced by the answer and the teacher can add comments at a later stage. (advertising strategies)

d. the teacher summed up the idea/opinion of the students.
When the volunteers explain what they know in front of the class, the teacher notedkey points to reviewed again. The information is not accurate, the idea of a less precise or just described half, misconception, the missing parts, this can be dealt with immediately so that students do not form a wrong impression, or they can make the base of the learning plan have been fixed for the next few lessons. (advertising strategies)

e. the teacher explains all the material that is presented at the time.
The teacher explains the whole of the material so that students understand the material already covered at that time.

f. cover.

Advantages and disadvantages of Student Learning Strategies Facilitator and Explaining
Every existing model as long as it has advantages and disadvantages, so did the model Student Facilitator and Explaining these things to have both. According to Joon(2005:91) as for the advantages and disadvantages in using learning strategies Student Facilitator and Explaining as follows:

a. Excess Student Facilitator and Explaining
Can encourage growth and berkembangya critical thinking students potential optimally.
Train students active, creative in dealing with any problems.
Encourage the growth of tolerance, listen to and respect the opinions of others.
Encourage the growth of the attitude of the demonstration.
Train students to upgrading Exchange opinions objectively, rationally in order to find a truth in cooperation group members.
Encourage the growth of the courage expressed the opinion of students openly.
Train students to always be self-sufficient in the face of every issue.
Train the students ' leadership.
Broadening students through exchange of information, opinions and experiences between them. (advertising strategies)

In another source of advantage is explained:
Make the material presented more clearly and concretely
Improve student learning because of absorption done by demonstration
Train students to be teachers who have heard
A motivational spur students to become the best teaching material in explaining
Know the students ' ability in presenting an idea or ideas.

b. Lack of Student Facilitator and Explaining
In using the Student learning strategies Facilitator and Explaining this also has disadvantages, as follows:
Taste sorts arises between students with each other.
A lazy learners will probably cede a part of its work to the students.
Individual assessment is difficult because it is hidden behind the group.
Model Student Facilitator andExplaining require elaborate preparation compared toother models, for example methods lectures.
In case of negative competition results of the work will deteriorate.
A lazy learners have the opportunity to remain passive in his group, and lets will affect her group so that the Group's efforts fail

On the other hand also disebbutkan the shortcomings of this strategy are:
Shy students are often difficult to demonstrate what was ordered by guru
Not all students have the same opportunity to do that (explain back to his friends because of time study) The same opinion so that only a portion of what skilled It is not easy for students to create a concept map or describe the material taught briefly.

The influence of the implementation of the strategy of Student Facilitator and Explaining to increased PAI Learning Achievements and Character
In general the time teachers teaching in the classroom, and spent most of his time to convey the subject matter without regard to how conditions and capture power or memory ability students. Most teachers consider it as one form of utilization of the exact time. This can we understand because the teacher had a target of a curriculummust be completed to the students in the curriculum that must be completed is submitted to the student in a relatively short period of time. (advertising strategies)

Therefore, the teacher as a facilitator should be able to do the learning process andthe proper design will be created in the process of learning is effective, and efficient. Students will feel motivated to learn properly. One of the strategies of learning that can be done by the teacher in the learning process to change the boring IE implement learning strategies Student Facilitator and Explaining, to the atmosphere of pembelajarn processed more active and lively. In Student learning strategies Facilitator and Explaining this, the students demanded more active compared with the teacher.

By implementing this cooperative learning, allowing students can achieve success inlearning, in addition can also train students to have the skills, good skills of thinking (thinking skills) and social skills (social skills) such as skills to state opinions, receiveadvice and input from others, in cooperation, the sense of loyal comrade, and reduce the incidence of aberrant behavior in the life class.

This learning strategy allows students to develop knowledge, abilities, and skills in full in an atmosphere of open and democratic learning. Students are no longer as objects of study but can also act as tutors for peers. The influence of the implementation of the strategy of learning Student Facilitator and Explaining to increased learning achievement is very important. Gives the opportunity to students to be more active and only provide aid gradually so that stimulate students do activities either individually or a group in order to develop self-reliance so that student learning achievements will be better. The advantages of learning strategies Student Facilitator and Explaining that is able to increase the absorption of students because the learning is done with demonstrations, train students to be teachers who have heard, and motivate students to become the best in explaining the material taught. (advertising strategies)

Hamza b. Uno & Nurdin bin Mohamad, studying with Pailkem Approach, (Jakarta: Earth Revised, 2011),
Isjoni, Cooperative Learning Enhance Intelligence communication between Learners, (Yogyakarta: Pusataka student, 2011)

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